

Turning Japanese

The Yonago “manga train” courtesy of lowco2motives Apologies for not posting recently. I have been swithering a lot about my next trip, and today I have made the final decision. I need to update the “departure board” to read “Tokyo via Vladivostok”! If you have not read my recent blog posts, this winter I had hoped to travel through Central Asia, taking advantage of the route out of Russia and through Kasakhstan. I encountered several problems planning and researching this journey. Firstly that travel to the other Stans was looking like hard work by train – not impossible, but for […]

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It is now that time of the year when my thoughts turn to mad ideas about possible train journeys to places that I can hardly even find on a map. I seem to manage to suppress such thoughts most of the time, consoling myself by thinking about a comfy trip on a plane to somewhere where the food is quite spicy. However, this time last year my mood seemed to change quite quickly from “I’ll never do that mad train thing again!” to “I wonder if can I go by train all the way to Singapore?” in only a few […]

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The Man Who Would Be King

“The Man Who Would Be King” (1975) Columbia Pictures What a great opportunity to combine a blog about one of my favourite films with a possibility for train travel! If you want to get in the mood for this, it’s time to get your pith helmet out and start shouting loudly “Stop throwing those bloody spears at me!”.. I remember first seeing “The Man Who Would Be King” shortly after leaving university (in about 1989). It had a big impact on me at the time, and is one of those films that seems to just get better and better with age. […]

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